Actas del III Congreso Internacional de Mística

135 thiempactofmysticalexperienceonself-actualizationw,orldviewu,nderstandinga,ndtoleranceinbuddhisme,asternorthodoxhy,induisma,ndislam and science in the West, has not fostered a favorable atmosphere for the study, examination, development, and/or proposal of multidisciplinary integration paradigms (Chrysostomos, 2007; Vujisić, 2009; 2010; Walsh, 2000). The database for this study includes a synopsis of the theory and practice, (including the origin, development, method, and outcomes), of the religious psycho-spiritual therapeutic methodology in each of these four traditions, and their potential impact on worldview, self-actualization, and interreligious and/or intercultural understanding and toleration are presented. 1.3 research problem The religious traditions under investigation have not always been good geopolitical neighbors, and in fact have often had tense and confrontational histories, which have not been conducive to the promotion of mutual knowledge and understanding. In opposition to the potential for the development of tolerance through contact and interaction; mutual vilification, demonization, and intolerance, culminating in persecution and violence, have frequently resulted. Adherents of the religious traditions in question are often reluctant to recognize even the possibility of invariance between religious psychospiritual therapeutic systems in terms of theory and practice, and there is little or no agreement as to that which constitutes the ‘essence’ of spirituality and/or mental health. Moreover, competing religious psycho-spiritual therapeutic methodologies, and outcomes are often seen in terms of binary opposition and are a source of contention and polemics rather than commonality. In such an atmosphere of polarization, intolerance is nurtured and grows, fostering an atmosphere of emotional and emotionalized thinking, in which fanaticism is fostered and engendered in predisposed individuals [due to dysfunctional internal working models, or pre-verbal relational schematas] (cf. Baldwin, 1992; Baldwin, Fehr, Keedian, Seidel, & Thompson, 1993; Briere & Scott, 2006). The problem is self-evident; religious psycho-spiritual therapeutic methodologies in the prototypes discussed, which by virtue of their very nature and purpose are directed toward transcendence, become the stumbling block to transcendence, self-actualization, and interreligious and/or intercultural understanding and tolerance. This intolerance paradigm may also now be projected e impact of mys ic l experience on self-actualiza i n...