Actas del III Congreso Internacional de Mística

171 thiempactofmysticalexperienceonself-actualizationw,orldviewu,nderstandinga,ndtoleranceinbuddhisme,asternorthodoxhy,induisma,ndislam Table 1 (continued) Statement Source The practitioner of yoga takes upon him/herself a life of austere self-discipline common to nearly all forms of mystical and religious life. Gambhirananda, 1998; Guénon, 2001a; 2001b The practices that constitute this self-disciplined life are called yoga yama and niyama. Flood, 1996 This self-discipline is the yoke that wo/man puts upon him/herself for the purpose of attaining mokṣa; it is the method of yoking, or unifying, the lower egoistic personality, which is inclined to the passions, to the higher and greater whole via a process of sublimation. Radhakrishnan, 1995; 1996; Radhakrishnan & Moore, 1967 The practice of yoga includes a sense of exertion, endeavor, zeal, and diligence and a system of meditation or contemplation with the aim of the cessation of mental activity and the attaining of a ‘supreme state’. Jones & Ryan, 2007; Radhakrishnan & Moore, 1967; Werner, 1993 According to the technical or spiritual sense the word has taken in Vedānta, yoga assumes multiple meanings, e.g., union, connection, contact, method, application, performance, etc. Müller, 1899; Radhakrishnan, 1995; 1996; Radhakrishnan & Moore, 1967 But the same compound is also given a technical meaning in the Yoga Sutras, designating the practical aspects of the philosophy, i.e., the union with the Supreme, due to the performance of duties in everyday life. Basham, 1999; Dasgupta, 1922; Radhakrishnan, 1995; 1996; Radhakrishnan & Moore, 1967; Walker, 1968 Techniques for experiencing higher states of consciousness in meditation were developed in the Upanishadic tradition, and indeed formless meditation originated in the Brahminic tradition. Basham, 1999; Dasgupta, 1922; Radhakrishnan, 1995; 1996; Radhakrishnan & Moore, 1967 As stated, in Hindu philosophy, yoga is the name of one of the six orthodox philosophical schools; this school accepts the Sāṅkhya psychology and metaphysics. Flood, 1996; Sen Gupta, 1986; Vivekananda, 1987 e impact of mys ic l experience on self-actualiza i n...