177 thiempactofmysticalexperienceonself-actualizationw,orldviewu,nderstandinga,ndtoleranceinbuddhisme,asternorthodoxhy,induisma,ndislam Table 1 (continued) Statement Source These steps are a process of purification that begin with (a) cleaning away the dross and dust, (b) refining and perfecting, and (c) purification and the experience of Allāh. Muhaya, 1993 The first stage occurs when the aspirant’s will and self-centric ego are destroyed through contemplation, and every movement or act of the mystic becomes a manifestation of the movements of his/her murshid, or spiritual director. Muhaya, 1993 This stage concerns the active life, and requires perseverance in moral training through an ascetic lifestyle over against natural inclinations and desires, which disrupt the path of spiritual ascendancy. Al-Ghazali, 2000; Muhaya, 1993 The second stage commences after the perfection of the first, and involves the eradication of all pleasures, gratifications, and fulfillment, especially, but not only, the enjoyment of fulfilling religious duties and exercises; this leaves nothing, (i.e., no obstacles, between Allāh and the mystic), only the experiences (or flashes) of ahwāl, e.g., murāqaba, qurb, wajd, wujūdd, sukr, sahw, wudd, huzn, qabd and bast, qahr, lutf, and love, which are the first revelations of the energies and essences of Allāh, the self, and the world. Muhaya, 1993; Solihu, 2009c The third and final stage [of al-Fanā’] involves losing consciousness of everything, even mindfulness of union with Allāh. Abdel-Kader, 1954; 1962 The aspirant’s physical body remains, but his/her faculty of rational perception passes away, and s/he loses individual awareness. Al-Ghazali, 2000; Muhaya, 1993; Solihu, 2009c The Islamic mystic, at this point, finds that the only way to appreciate al-haqīqa, or spiritual reality, is through the purging of the illusionary projection of the self-centric ego, (or egoistic self), which is a veil that stands between the true projection of the reality of the self and the Divine source of such projection. Abdel-Kader, 1954; 1962; Muhaya, 1993; Solihu, 2009c e impact of mys ic l experience on self-actualiza i n...