199 thiempactofmysticalexperienceonself-actualizationw,orldviewu,nderstandinga,ndtoleranceinbuddhisme,asternorthodoxhy,induisma,ndislam Table 2 (continued) Themes and Meaning Units Evidence in Text Source (8) Meaning, Purpose, and Self-Actualization Islamic Through al-Fanā’, and in the hāl of sahw, the mystic obtains al-tahqīq, or self-actualization, and can then provide service to others, and become the ‘slave of the One and the servant of the many’. Muhaya, 1993; Solihu, 2009c (9) Solidarity, Mutual Responsability, and Tolerance Buddhist The discovery of selflessness and the true self, results in the transformation of worldview and the development of awareness, meaning, purpose, happiness, self-realization, selfactualization, and tolerance, which facilitate positive human relationships. Martin, 2004; Mitchell, 2001; Ray, 1994; Smith, 1973; Solihu, 2009c Eastern Orthodox F]rom… [self-actualization] flow love, awareness, compassion, healing, comfort, tolerance, and joy. Chrysostomos, 2000a; 2000b; 2007; Chrysostomos & Akakios, 1986; John Cassian, 1979; Louchakova & Warner, 2003 e impact of mys ic l experience on self-actualiza i n...