Actas del III Congreso Internacional de Mística

211 thiempactofmysticalexperienceonself-actualizationw,orldviewu,nderstandinga,ndtoleranceinbuddhisme,asternorthodoxhy,induisma,ndislam acknowledgments Adewale-Somadhi, A. A. (1998). Orisa/Yoruba names. San Bernadino, CA: Ifa Orunmila Communications. Abdel-Kader, A. H. (1954). ‘Al-Junayd’s Theory of Fanā’. Islamic Quarterly 1, 4, 219 - 228. Abdel-Kader, A. H. (1962). The life, personality and writings of al-Junayd: A study of a third/ninth century mystic with an edition and translation of his writings. London, UK: Luzac. Aerts D., Apostel L., De Moor B., Hellemans S., Maex E., Van Belle H., & Van der Veken J. (1994). Worldviews: From fragmentation to integration. VUB Press. Retrieved from CLEA/pub/books/worldviews.pdf Al-Attas, N. (1980). Proceedings from First World Conference on Muslim Education. The concept of education in Islam. Makkatul, Saudi Arabia. Retrieved from Al-Ghazali, A. H. M. (2000). Al-Ghazali’s path to Sufism: His deliverance from error (al-Munqidh min al-Dalal) and five key texts. (R. J. McCarthy, Trans.). Louisville, KY: Fons Vitae. Ali, A. Y. (2006). The Holy Qur’an and commentary. (Original published 1934). Retrieved from -arabic-english-abdullah_yusuf_ali-with_commentary-pdf.html Al-Qushayri, A. (2007). Al-Qushayri’s Epistle on Sufism: Al-Risala alqushayriyya fi ‘ilm al-tasawwuf (Great Books of Islamic Civilization). (A. D. Knysh, Trans.). Reading, UK: Garnet Publishing, Ltd. American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication manual of the American psychological association (5th ed.). Washington, DC: APA. American Psychological Association. (2011). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct. Retrieved from http://www.apa. org/ethics/code/index.aspx?item=3 e impact of mys ic l experience on self-actualiza i n...