Creer y actuar para renacer
42 actas del sexto congreso católicos y vida pública home country, his kids, his belief in Jesus, his sending his condolences to PR, his learning about compost! This, I realized, was the symbol I was looking for to name my presentation here: “From Garbage to Compost– Believing and Acting to Reconstruct Life Out Of Destruction.” Yes, we can be out of an actual prison, but still captured by a self- image that is destructive, wasting our lives, or, as someone told me once, “Not expecting much out of myself because I am black, or latino, or gay, or a woman”, or…whatever! Sometimes a storm –an outside or inside storm– strips away our blindness, our way of hiding problems like the poor in our countries (I read how the hurricane ripped down the trees that hid the poor of your country from those who are more well off). Yes, look at these people! They are part of you too! Look at the poverty of addictions you may have… they are part of you too! How can our faith help us to act for our recovery? Tell God: “I need you Higher Power!”…and then doing something about the hole within you…or the hole within your society. I have heard confessions in jail: “Anyone ever hurt you?” “I was a bad father!” “Do you forgive me?” Praying while holding hands…tattoos… in Spanish… “God understands.” Your heart goes out to these people, most with only a 4th grade education, many abused, physically or sexually… Seeing Jesus Christ in them, looking out from psychotic eyes, Jesus imprisoned in them! (Mt. 25:36) How can we challenge each other when we feel lazy and simply want to regress into childishness, depending on others? We need help to stand up, but we have to push with our legs as well. There is also Anthony . His veins with puncture wounds from heroin use. “I substituted one ritual for another, Father… ‘taking a knee’ instead of shooting up each morning.” And yet, after he was released and making it outside, one morning
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