Cuarenta años, La Católica cumpliendo su deber democrático con Puerto Rico

22 cuarenta años, la católica cumpliendo su deber democrático con p.r. Across the globe, democratically elected regimes, often ones that have been re-elected or reaffirmed through referenda, are routinely ignoring constitutional limits on their power and depriving citizens of their basic rights. This disturbing phenomenon —visible from Peru to the Palestinian Territories, from Ghana to Venezuela— could be called “illiberal democracy”. For people in the west, democracy means “liberal democracy”; a political system marked not only by free and fair elections but also by the rule of law, separation of powers, and the protection of basic liberties of speech, assembly, religion, and property. But this bundle of freedoms-which might be termed ‘constitutional liberalism’- has nothing intrinsically to do with democracy and the two have not always gone together, even in the west. After all, Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany via free elections. Over the last half-century in the West, democracy and liberty have merged. But today the two strands of liberal democracy, interwoven on the Western political fabric, are coming apart across the globe. Democracy is flourishing, liberty is not.13 Esta cita nos ilustra un desarrollo en la historia donde personas llegan al poder y luego trastocan el proceso electoral para mantenerse en el poder permanentemente. Una tendencia que se manifiesta tomando control del poder judicial, del sistema electoral y alterando el régimen constitucional. El impulso natural es a obtener y conservar el poder y solo con lealtades superiores, y un grado de ilustración sentida, se puede mantener una democracia. Por ello la confiabilidad en las instituciones es la siembra vital que solo se conoce en momentos de crisis o cuando hay una elección cerrada. Todos los años los resultados electorales se convierten en el detonador de muchos conflictos civiles por el cuestionamiento de los procesos electorales. 13 Fareed Zakaria, The Future of Freedom, W. W. Norton, New York, (2003) a la pág. 17.