Catálogo de Investigaciones | 2011-2012
CIENCIAS 46 Incidence of Dermatophytoses in the 5 th toe in the Southern Area of Puerto Rico Fifty samples of nail scraps were analyzed in search of dermatophytes fungi. The samples were taken off voluntary people of the South area of Puerto Rico. The hypothesis was that most people in Puerto Rico have the condition of nail dermatophytosis in the fifth finger of the feet. The position of the fifth finger in shoes or sandals provides a direct contact that benefits the fungus to grow on the nail. The tropical and humid weather of Puerto Rico also favors the growth of these fungi on nails. Diabetes, VIH, and bad hygiene are other factors that contribute to an increase for this condition. Nails scraps were inoculated in Sabouraud Dextrose Agar with chloramphenicol and Dermatophyte Test Medium (DTM). Microscopic examination was performed to identify dermathophytes and other fungi. Dermatophytes are keratinophilic fungi that belong to three genera: Trycophyton , Epidermophyton, and Microsporum . Some species of these genera were found in several samples. Trycophyton rubrum , T. mentagrophytes , and Microscoporum canis were the most common species found. Not all samples were positive to dermathophytes, but this type of onychomycosis is more common in adults with health problems or suppressed immunologic conditions. yorki e. serrano natal mentor dra. virginia báez belén dermatophytoses dermatophyte test medium
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