Catálogo de Investigaciones | 2012-2013

EDUCACIÓN 106 The effect of Pictured Text on the Reading Comprehension of Puerto Rican English Language Learners in Third Grade from a Public School in Peñuelas, Puerto Rico In a general sense, reading is what happens when people look at a text and assign meaning to the written symbols in that text (Aebersold and Field, 1997). According to the authors, the text and the reader are the two physical entities necessary for the reading process to begin, and it is however, the interaction between the text and the reader that constitutes actual reading. Reading has been defined as an ongoing developmental process, which involves three participants: the writer, the text, and the reader, according to Grabe (1991). The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of the use of pictured text on third grade Puerto Rican English language learners’ reading comprehension. A quasi-experimental research design was used with one Experimental Group (EG) and one Control Group (CG). A reading comprehension pre-test was administered to both groups. The Experimental Group received treatment on the development of reading comprehension skills through the use of pictured text for four weeks. The Control Group did not receive the treatment with the use of pictured text. A reading comprehension post-test was administered to both groups after the four weeks. The findings of this investigation revealed that pictured text had a positive effect on the reading comprehension of the Experimental Group. The results of this research offer some pedagogical implications to teachers who are in search of techniques for improving students` reading comprehension ability. It presents evidence on the reading comprehension process of this particular group of learners. angélica m. maldonado colón maestría en educación con especialidad en enseñanza del inglés como segundo idioma mentor: dra. irma rodríguez vega reading comprehension imagery (pictures) reading pictured text no pictured text