Catálogo de Investigaciones | 2012-2013

85 CATÁLOGO DE INVESTIGACIONES | AÑO ACADÉMICO 2012-2013 A comparative and descriptive study of vocabulary knowledge and English language programs across elementary schools in the southern area of Puerto Rico The current research compared and described the traditional and bilingual English language programs. The investigation described and compared the vision, mission, theoretical framework, curriculum, teaching procedures, materials used, parental involvement, and teachers’ preparation. Students’ vocabulary knowledge was measured and compared to find out differences. Therefore, the researcher decided to contribute with a study related to this area. The participants for the study were 63 students enrolled in four schools in Puerto Rico with different English language programs. The language programs were from one public bilingual school, one private bilingual school, one traditional public school and one traditional private school from the southern area of Puerto Rico. The findings from the current investigation revealed that there is a significant difference in the English language vocabulary knowledge among Puerto Rican fifth grade students from a traditional public language program, a traditional private language program private bilingual language program, and a public bilingual language program. In addition, the researcher developed the Language Program Questionnaire to be answered by English teachers of the different language programs and an Interview Guide for the language programs directors. Both instruments were validated by a panel of experts. The answers provided in both instruments were used by the researcher to develop a Profile of Bilingual Language Programs in the southern area of Puerto Rico. michelle m. méndez seguinot doctorado en educación con especialidad en currículo y enseñanza mentor: dra. irma rodríguez vega language program bilingual tradicional public private