Catálogo de Investigaciones | 2013-2014

CI ENCIAS 48 Computational Characterization of the Enzymatic Content and Networks of Loa Loa Loa Loa is a parasitic nematode that causes subcutaneous filariasis in about 13 million people in Africa, South America, and other subtropical regions. Filariasis usually leads to elephantiasis of the limbs and genitalia that leads to life- long disability and social stigma. Current treatment for Loa Loa infection is diethylcarbamazine (DEC), which may cause encephalopathy and death, therefore it is counter-indicated and the only treatment is surgery to remove the worms. In the last decade, computational tools and techniques have allowed scientists to retrieve, mine, and analyze data from genomics and proteomics. In this research we are using computational techniques to characterize the enzymatic content of Loa Loa and compare it to the genomic nematode model Litomosoides sigmodontis. The comparison of these two enzymatic characterizations may help elucidate the regulatory pathways that allow parasite establishment in the host and therefore help in the development of new and more effective treatments for loiasis. katherine m. subirana reyes proyecto especial mentor: dra. mónica m. arroyo cabán bioinformatics proteomics go analysis loa loa filiariasis