Catálogo de Investigaciones | 2014-2015

144 EDUCACIÓN The Effects of Task Based Approach Workshops on College Students’ Communicative Competence and Communicative Performance Skills in a Business Course The purpose of this research was to determine the effects of Task Based Approach Workshops on ELL college students’ communicative competence and communicative performance in a business communication course. The research followed a quasi-experimental research design with quantitative and qualitative instruments. The sample consisted of fifty business students from two higher education institutions in the southern region of Puerto Rico. There were two experimental groups (EG1) and (EG2) and two control groups (CG1) and (CG2). The statistical analyses were mean score, independent t-test, analysis of variance, paired sample t-test, and Spearmen rho coefficient correlation. An analysis of variance was calculated to determine differences between the experimental groups’ posttest scores. The findings revealed that there were no significant differences between (EG1) and (EG2) posttest scores and that there were statistical significant differences in the three workshops between all groups. There were significant differences between the posttest results for the experimental and control groups, as measured by the Grammar/Mechanics Business Pretest/Posttest. Therefore, the alternate hypothesis was accepted. The results revealed that (EG1), (CG2), and (EG2) groups showed a strong to moderate correlation between communicative competence and communicative performance skills. In contrast, it was demonstrated that (CG1) group showed a moderate relationship between competence and performance skills in business writing. The current study has theoretical value because it provides empirical evidence that proves the effectiveness of Task Based Approach methodology, lessons, and activities to improve college students’ communicative competence and communicative performance in business writing. This study also has practical value in the design, development, and implementation of Task Based Approach in the curriculum of higher education institutions in Puerto Rico and across the globe. lourdes ortiz soto doctorado en educación con especialidad en currículo y enseñanza mentor: dra. celeste morales pérez task based approach communicative competence communicative performance business writing