Catálogo de Investigaciones 2017-2018

114 ESCUELA DE ARQUITECTURA The Architecture of Ludic Spaces Humanity has always had the need to play, to socialize, and to create community. In every generation of humankind, there has always been ludic activities and spaces, all of which represented the generation of that time. Ludic “can refer to architecture that is playful, a narrative that is humorous and even satirical, and literature that is light.” Ludic is ultimately from the Latin noun ludus , which refers to a whole range of fun things - stage shows, games, sports, even jokes. As generations change, bringing upon the present a new set of human behaviors and technologies, architecture must evolve. In the current generation known as “millennials”, technology has been the norm of our daily lives. We have never been so attached to electronic devices before, such as our cell phones, to the extent that digital forms of media and spaces surround us. This has created a replacement of physical ludic spaces for virtual spaces by emerging generations. The spaces where people use to congregate, to socialize and to change ideas (city squares, public buildings, schools, and playgrounds) have been substituted by social media apps like Facebook. This new reality have allowed us, by a click of a button, the possibility to post ideas, news and thoughts to the world, without the need to go outside to a physical environment, thus positioning architecture in many cases as the background instead of the foreground. Ludic spaces as we know them today are becoming less populated or less interacted with, since people are so focused in this virtual world to even notice the physical space around them. Through the integration of the virtual and the physical will, it be possible to form a new architecture that allow this new generation to interact and immerse themselves in. héctor m. rivera bachier bachillerato en arquitectura mentor: arq. yadira adorno, arq. wilfredo méndez y arq. jesús o. garcía ludic spaces virtual reality augmented reality video games