Catálogo de Investigaciones 2020-2021

CATÁLOGO DE INVESTIGACIONES | AÑO ACADÉMICO 2020-2021 101 Co-living a New Form of Living in the XXI Century Co-living creates community-centered environment providing spaces of privacy with a spatial arrangement that are intentionally promoting the social interaction in urban densely populated cities. Although collective living is practice in every country, New York, San Francisco, London and Paris are on the top 10 of Co-living leading cities. These places are leading a new way of life for young adults that are starting their job careers and searching for an affordable way of living while they grow up in the business. The collective living has indulged Co-working as an increased of young adults working remotely and starting companies till they established themselves. The theory of urban sociologist Ray Oldenburg unites these ways of living and working with a third place of social interaction. As a result of the studies Second Home Hollywood Office and Welive companies main goal is to combine Co-working and Co-living as a term of an architectural spatial design to attend not only the building and occupants but also a balance in the spatial connection of the building and the city: the spatial liberation of an enclosed area to an open space where the everyday common activities such as work can be achieved, but maintaining privacy in living headquarters. This provides a home where privacy can be practiced, work for economic sustainability and a social space in which people can interact with others to achieve an emotional, business or personal related goal. francis g. rodríguez castillo bachillerato en arquitectura mentor: arq. pedro a. rosario arq. luis v. badillo co-living cooperative living affordable high density sharing economy