Catálogo de Investigaciones 2020-2021

CATÁLOGO DE INVESTIGACIONES | AÑO ACADÉMICO 2020-2021 27 False Identities in Puerto Rican Artisanal Culture This investigation focuses on the significance of cultural objects that have been replaced and overshadowed with inexpensive, imported goods due to the tourist demand of souvenirs. Artisanal artifacts are an important recourse to preserve the culture in Puerto Rico. These objects continue the dialogue of community and cultural traditions with relevance and heritage. As Puerto Rico was re-colonized by the United States of America, imported goods were introduced to the souvenir shops. These goods misrepresent and have begun to overshadow and substitute the artisanal objects due to their abundance and low-priced cost. Furthermore, the content and subject matter of the imported goods can be considered a false identity. The research will show the gradual integration of these concepts into the artisanal community through their representation as souvenirs. The artwork presented in this research is a statement in response to the issues within the artisanal culture and their growing influence on folkloric traditions. And with the combination of contemporary techniques, traditional icons and current issues, it invites the viewer to contemplate the applicable dialogue between the artisanal community and the false imagery introduced to Puerto Rican culture through globalization. Carnevelarium brings to light the issue that has been going on within the artisan community with the introduction to manufactured objects and the acceptance of the iconography being represented on behalf of Puerto Rico. Carnevelarium is a direct statement reclaiming and redefining the iconography presented. This film was created in order to deconstruct the pre-existing false identities in Puerto Rican culture. It confronts the issue and invites the viewer to reflect and respond. As an artisan, I want to preserve history and tradition, but as a contemporary artist, I want to create artwork that openly constitutes a dialogue with the controversial issues present in society. chelsea n. glidden bosh maestría en artes con especialidad en pintura y dibujo mentor: prof. alfonso gonzález marcucci false identity identity vejigante artisan culture misrepresentation