Proyecto de unidad... | febrero 2021
Religiosos envían carta al presidente de Estados Unidos para atender los desafíos que enfrenta la Isla Líderes religiosos emitieron una carta oficial al presidente de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, solicitando acciones de parte del Congreso para que se incluyera a la Isla en el próximo plan de estímulo económico. El documento fue firmado por líderes de diversas denominaciones religiosas de Puerto Rico, entre los que se encuentran el arzobispo de San Juan, Mons. Roberto González Nieves; el obispo de la diócesis de Ponce y gran canciller de la PUCPR, padre obispo Rubén González Medina; la reverenda Idalia Negrón Caamaño, obispa del Sínodo del Caribe de la Iglesia evangélica luterana en América; la reverenda Dra. Karen Georgia A. Thompson, ministra general asociada para Ministerios Globales de la Iglesia Unida de Cristo en Estados Unidos, entre muchos otros. Ordenar al Departamento de Justicia de Puerto Rico retirar el recurso legal presentado por la administración anterior con el fin de bloquear la asignación anual de $2.3 mil millones por concepto de Seguro Suplementario de Ingreso; solicitar medidas para incentivar el regreso de la industria farmacéutica a Puerto Rico, con el propósito de promover la creación de nuevos empleos; ampliar el financiamiento total a los Programas de Asistencia Nutricional, Medicare, Medicad, entre otros y así impactar la pobreza de las familias puertorriqueñas; y promover acciones por el Congreso para adelantar la aprobación de fondos adicionales de desastres para la recuperación de Puerto Rico son los ejes centrales de la comunicación oficial. Ver documento completo en huellas del Jubilee USA Network 110 Maryland Ave. NE, Ste 210 Washington, D.C. 20002 1 Via E-mail February 16th, 2021 The Honorable Joseph R. Biden President of the United States The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 "They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations." - Isaiah 61:4 President Biden, You and your administration are in our prayers. We look forward to working with you to address the challenges facing Puerto Rico's people. Thank you for releasing urgently needed hurricane recovery funds. As religious leaders who advocate for the needs of Puerto Rico's people, we respectfully request you move forward the following actions: ● Please immediately instruct the Department of Justice to withdraw the suit, filed by the previous administration, that blocks $2.3 billion in annual Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments. About 300,000 poor and vulnerable US citizens with disabilities are critically impacted. In the US vs. Vaello-Madero, the US First Circuit Court of Appeals granted SSI access to all Puerto Ricans. When the Justice Department withdraws the appeal, the Appellate Court's decision stands. ● Through Executive or support of Congressional Action, please implement measures to return manufacturing jobs to Puerto Rico that encourage pharmaceuticals to spur economic recovery and job creation in areas of high unemployment and poverty. Puerto Rico has skilled labor, the capacity, and the facilities to immediately take up additional pharmaceutical and personal protective equipment manufacturing, to aid in the fight against COVID-19 and increase supplies in the United States. ● Expand and fully fund the Nutrition Assistance Program, Medicare, Medicaid, Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit. Nearly 60% of Puerto Rico's children, US citizens, live in poverty and would benefit from these measures. 30
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