Revista Horizontes: primavera/otoño 2013 | Año LVI-LIX Núms. 108-115
Collaborate in the revision and design that curricular lessons and activities are carried out according to the standards established for each grade level. 92% Help teachers with the interpretation of the data collected from the Puerto Rico National Academic Standardized Tests (PRNAAST) in order to redirect the English program’s objectives and teaching strategies. 90% Provide teachers with orientation on assessment techniques. 92% For research question 3, Is there a significant difference between the perceptions of Puerto Rican school directors and the perceptions of English teachers in relation to the level of importance and the level of presence on the duties of PRDE English School Facilitators?, the data analyzed concluded that through an Independent t-test on the participants’ perspectives on the level of importance of the duties performed by the English School Facilitators, all fourteen duties assigned by the PRDE are important, with a significance of 0.008. The significance on the level of presence of the duties performed by English School Facilitators, was of .560 (p>0.05), therefore accepting the alternate hypothesis established, which stated that there was significant difference between the perceptions of Puerto Rican school directors and the perceptions of English teachers in relation to the level of importance and the level of presence of the duties of PRDE English School Facilitators. Recommendations According to the data gathered related to the level of importance and the level of presence of the duties performed by the English School Facilitators, it is recommended that English School Facilitators dedicate more time to the following duties, in order to see improvement in English teachers’ performance and students’ learning: • Prepare and present mini lessons, to be observed by teachers in order to improve their teaching practices. • Circular Letter 19-97-98 stated that English School Facilitators respond for teachers’ needs and technical assistance. English School facilitators must collaborate with teachers by providing them coaching and feedback of the teaching methodologies used with the purpose of determining the necessary recommendations to improve teacher’s classroom performance. This will allow teachers to have a positive attitude towards change and become more involved in the improvement process. • Gather qualitative and quantitative data based on the teaching methodologies used in the classroom. • Through the gathering of this data, teachers can receive feedback and reinforcement on the areas where they show any level of weakness during the teaching process. • Participate in the selection and evaluation of educational materials needed to develop the English Program. • English School Facilitators need to become aware of the needs that English teachers have related to educational material. Materials used in the teaching of English in the schools of Puerto Rico should be evaluated in order to establish how relevant they are to the experiences and /or environmental surroundings in which our students live. • Help teachers with the interpretation of the data collected from the Puerto Rico National Academic Achievement Standardized Tests (PRNAAST) in order to redirect the English program’s objectives and teaching strategies. • In order to evaluate the progress of the English program used in the Puerto Rico school systems, the data collected should be interpreted in ways that will allow teachers to understand the weaknesses of the programs and the areas that need strengthening. By analyzing the numerical data, the English program can learn and put to work innovative teaching methodologies that will enable students to become engaged in the learning of English. Through analyzing the data from the PRNAAST, the English program can also focus their attention on teacher performance, in order to provide English teachers with the tools necessary to grow and develop professionally. • Provide teachers with orientation on assessment techniques. • English School Facilitators should guide teachers on different assessment techniques that can be used to evaluate students’ classroom performance. They should keep in mind differentiated learning techniques that English teachers should apply, depending on the objective being covered and the group’s necessities and learning styles. English School Facilitators should model the use of technological assessment techniques that can attract English teachers and students participation in language learning. References Años LVI-LIX Núms. 108-115 Horizontes – primavera / otoño 2013-2016 59
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