Primavera otoño 2020 (Año LXIII Núms. 122-123) Año LXIII Núm. 122-123 horizontes PRIMAVERA/OTOÑO 2020 PUCPR 213 Weltanschauung of the Author of the Ancrene Wisse, The Bernadette, M. “The Weltanschauung of th e Author of the Ancrene Wisse.” Horizontes , 5, no. 10 (abril 1962): 58-65. What is Man? Le Troquer, Rene. “What is Man?” Horizontes , 5, no. 9 (octubre 1961): 105. What is Wrong with Jurisprudence Santa- Pinter, J.J. “What is Wrong with Jurisprudenc e.” Horizontes, 11, no. 21 (octubre 1967): 104-109. What’s Wrong with American Education Marita, Charles. “What’s Wrong with American Education.” Horizontes, 3, no. 6 (abril 1960): 62- 67. White (poesía) Maryse Elot. “White” (poesía). Horizontes , 7, no. 13 (octubre 1963): 5. Why Not Read the Holy Scriptures with the Help of the Fathers of the Church? Margerie, Bertrand de. “Why Not Read the Holy Scriptures with the Help of the Fathers of the Church?” Horizontes, 23, no. 46. (abril 1980): 81-86. Wilfrid Meynell Saviour of Francis Thompson Ángela Marie. “Wilfrid Meynell Saviour of Francis Thompson.” Horizontes , 6, no. 11 (octubre 1962): 68-71. William E. Griffith. The Ostpolitik of the Federal Republic of Germany Stanley, Stein. “Willia m E. Griffith. The Ostpolitik of the Federal Republic of Germany.” Horizontes , 25, no. 50 (abril 1982): 99-101. With Dances and Delight Gertrude, Teresa. “With Dances and Delight.” Horizontes , 3, no. 5 (octubre 1959): 65-78. Wolf and the Lamb, The Gertrude, Teresa. “The Wolf and the Lamb.” Horizontes , 6, no. 11 (octubre 1962): 72-76. Women Helped Saint Peter and Saint Paul Adalbert, M. “Women Helped Saint Peter and Saint Paul.” Horizontes, 3, no. 6 (abril 1960): 36- 44.