Primavera otoño 2020 (Año LXIII Núms. 122-123) Año LXIV Núm. 124-125 horizontes PRIMAVERA / OTOÑO 2021 PUCPR 52 (2016) interviewed eight clinical psychologists and psychiatrists to formulate a grounded theory. This inductive, qualitative research theory explains results collected through empirical observations and data analysis. Mindfulness allowed a better understanding according to experience, helping the therapist understand his patients. Although Soler and Araya-Véliz obtained good anxiety management results, most researchers recommended additional studies in this area. Conclusion This review article has discussed deep breathing relaxation therapy for anxiety. Deep breathing regulated the cardiovascular system, calmed anxiety symptoms, and helped regulate the participants' performance. Only one study found that deep breathing was not adequate for controlling anxiety during childbirth. Future investigations should study how deep breathing and other relaxation therapies can ameliorate anxiety for different situations. Acknowledgments I would like to acknowledge the original concept by Dr. Marisol Camacho, professor of psychology and editing of this manuscript by Dr. Dallas E. Alston, professor in the Department of Natural Sciences, PUCPR. References Aideyan, B., Martin, G. C., & Beeson, E. T. (2020). A practitioner's guide to breathwork in clinical mental health counseling. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 42(1). 78- 94. Amaral, F. V., Dawid-Milner, M. S., & Marques, J. L. B. (2017). Efectos de un programa de juego basado en técnicas de biofeedback cardíaco en el desarrollo cognitivo de niños. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte, 10(3). 100-105. Ariga, R. A. (2019). Decrease anxiety among students who will do the objective structured clinical examination with deep breathing relaxation technique. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 7(16). 2619. Aritzeta, A., Soroa, G., Balluerka, N., Muela, A., Gorostiaga, A., & Aliri, J. (2017). Reducing anxiety and improving academic performance through a biofeedback relaxation training program. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 42(3). 193-202. Becerra Gálvez, A. L. B., Erazo, L. R., García Rodríguez, F. M., & Ramírez Ramírez, A. (2016). Intervención cognitivo- conductual para el control de ansiedad ante la biopsia insicional en pacientes con cáncer de mama. Psicooncología, 13(1). Boaviagem, A., Junior, E. M., Lubambo, L., Sousa, P., Aragão, C., Albuquerque, S., & Lemos, A. (2017). The effectiveness of breathing patterns to control maternal anxiety during the first period of labor: A randomized controlled clinical trial. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 26. 30-35. Campos, G. G., Valdivia-Moral, P., Zagalaz, J. C., Ortega, F. Z., & Romero, O. (2017). Influencia del control del estrés en el rendimiento deportivo: la autoconfianza, la ansiedad y la concentración en deportistas. Retos. Nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación, (32), 3-6.
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