Catálogo de Investigaciones 2016-2017

catálogo de investigaciones | aÑo académico 2016-2017 111 The Relationship between Brain- Based Learning and Reading Comprehension of University English Language Learners of Puerto Rico The purposes of this research were to find out if there is a relationship between BBLA (thinking skills activities) and the reading comprehension (RC) of Puerto Rican English language learners from university level. The second purpose was to find out if the relationship, if any, was statistically significant. The population selected for this research was obtained from a private university in Ponce, Puerto Rico, registered in a reading course. This research aimed at finding out if there is a relationship between BBL through the stages of mental development, specifically to higher thinking levels and RC skills. BBLA and RC Model were designed by the investigator of this research in an attempt to demonstrate the combination of elements and components that provide English professors a guide to develop RC in English learners at university level. The research design for this investigation was descriptive correlational. The findings indicate a relationship with a Pearson’s product- moment coefficient of .932. There is a strong positive linear relationship between BBLA and RC of Puerto Rican English language learners from university level and the relationship between the variables is significant, a level of significance was predetermined at .05 level. Given the findings of the investigation the following recommendations for future research are made: 1. Replicate the research with a larger sample. A larger sample may reveal different findings. 2. Expand the research to other universities (private and public), so that findings can be compared. 3. Replicate the research in different levels such as elementary and secondary school levels. The findings of the investigation revealed various facts about the teaching- learning process for RC mastery at university level. carmen n. ortiz rodríguez doctorado en educación con especialidad en currículo y enseñanza mentor: dra. irma n. rodríguez vega brain-based learning reading comprehension university thinking skills zpd