pontificia universidad católica de puerto rico
de sus valores positivos, es la única defensa contra la estadidad.
eventos recientes
En el campo político las fuerzas estadistas han logrado obtener respaldo
de importantes miembros del Congreso. En las vistas públicas del 1.
agosto de 2013, en el Senado de Estados Unidos el entonces presidente
de la Comisión de Energía y Recursos Naturales, Ron Wyden, las abrió
Puerto Rico must either exercise full self-government as a sovereign Nation or
achieve equality among the states of the union.
The current relationship undermines our country’s moral standing in
the world. For a nation founded on the principles of democracy and the
consent of the governed, how much longer can America allow a condition
to persist in which nearly 4 million US citizens do not have a vote in the
government that makes the national laws which affect their daily lives?
That is the question.
The new commonwealth option continues to be advocated as a viable option by
some. It is not. Persistence in supporting this option-after it has been rejected
is inconsistent with the U.S Constitution by the U.S. Justice Department, by
the bipartisan leadership of this committee, by the House and by the Clinton,
Bush, and Obama Administrations– undermines resolution of Puerto Rico’s
status question.
The rejection of the current status last November leaves Puerto Rico with
only two options: Statehood under U.S. sovereignty or some form of separate
national sovereignty
Las fuerzas estadolibristas y congresistas antiestadistas, como Luis
Gutiérrez y Nydia Velázquez, han precipitado situaciones que han
perjudicado el movimiento estadista al exponer el doble discurso y la
vulnerabilidad de la estadidad en los asuntos culturales y políticos. Los
proyectos del congresista de Alaska Don Young proponían un plebiscito
331 Luis Muñoz Marín,
Memorias. 1940-1952
, Editorial de la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, San
Germán (1992), p. 314.
332 Opening Statement, Hon Ron Wyden, U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: Hearing on
the Political Status of Puerto Rico and the Administration Response (November 6, 2013), p. 1.