la convocatoria de una semilla:
fundamentos y dinámicas del desarrollo constitucional de puerto rico
La respuesta completa del presidente Kennedy fue la siguiente:
The White House
July 24, 1962
Dear Governor Munoz:
I have your letter advising me of the celebration on July 25 of the tenth
anniversary of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. This is indeed a great
occasion. The achievements of the Puerto Rican people in this short
period have been remarkable. Puerto Rico has furnished an example
to the world of the benefits that can be achieved by close collaboration
between a larger and a smaller community within the framework of
freedom and mutual agreement. I am confident that I speak for the
people of the United States as well as their government in expressing my
pride and pleasure at Puerto Rico’s achievements.
I am aware, however, as you point out, that the Commonwealth
relationship is not perfected and that it has not yet realized its full
potential, and I welcome your statement that the people of Puerto Rico
are about to begin the consideration of this with the purpose of moving
towards its maximum development. I am in full sympathy with this
aspiration. I see no reason why the Commonwealth concept, if that is
the desire of the people of Puerto Rico, should not be fully developed as
a permanent institution in its association with the United States. I agree
that this is a proper time to recognize the need for growth and, both as
a matter of fairness to all concerned and of establishing an unequivocal
record, to consult the people of Puerto Rico, as you propose to do, so that
they may express any other preference, including independence, if that
should be their wish.
John F. Kennedy
La parte crucial de la carta era que, por primera vez, el Presidente de
los Estados Unidos planteaba la permanencia del Estado Libre Asociado
como una alternativa viable.
, p. 573.